Ni Pharma

Ni Pharma

Ni Pharma

Ni Pharma

Ni Pharma
Ni Pharma
Süs Active L-Carnitine Turkish Coffee

Süs Active L-Carnitine Turkish Coffee

Table of Contents: Turkish coffee, L-carnitine, vanilla, herbal blend

For use: It is recommended to be used twice a day as a snack.

Lactose-free and vegan. No preservatives or additives

As a result of the researches, it has been proven that Turkish coffee is very beneficial for health. Turkish coffee is used as a cure for many diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases. Besides, the fact that Turkish coffee is a food rich in caffeine helps to lose weight by accelerating the metabolism. The pleasant scent of vanilla suppresses the feeling of hunger and makes it easier to drink. It contains a special formula created with the mixture of herbs and years of experience, which helps to accelerate the metabolism, especially in the herbal mixture, which helps to burn fat. It helps to burn fat and is consumed as a snack.


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